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Saturday, May 5, 2007

An apple a day?

Did you know that a great source of your antioxidants daily can come from apples? Apples, and most other fruits, are filled will a high amount of antioxidants that can fight off harmful free radicals and viruses that attack the body.

As the old saying goes, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". Although one apple a day isn't the reccomended amount of fruits you should be consuming, this old wives tale might have more to it than most people think.

The simple apple is one serving of fruit. Although it's not the amount of antioxidants that most people need, or are looking for, it is more antioxidants than an average American consumes. One apple, almost one full cup of fruit, is enough to keep your immune system just healthy enough to sustain you for the day, but don't bank on one apple a day.

Boost your immune system, and antioxidant count, by eating your 2 - 4 servings of fruits a day, and you'll be helping yourself out.

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